what is constant in this world?
i reslly wonder what things are constant in this world.
as i was exploring, i found out that there are only three things which is constant in this world.
first is CHANGE
change is a state of being different.
All things in this world realy change.
People changes fast,
especially when it talks about their moods and attitudes.
second is DEATH
Death is the moment at which life ends or the state that follows life
we all know that god saved us from sin
but this doesn't mean that we won't die.
jesus, even he is the son of God also died.
so we can't change death since it is permanent.
death is caused by our evilness and
sins, though Jesus saved us fron sin,
Still we have committed sins and
as a punishment we will all die.

lastly, The one who is above all, GOD
Our heavenly God is the most constant thing in this world.
God is everlasting since he is the Alpha ang the Omega.
Alpha which meanss the Beginning and Omega which means the end.
"Nobody Saw God"
Then this only says thay nobody can draw a picture of God. the only thing for sure about God is HE IS IN HEAVEN WATHING ABOVE US ALL.

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